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Oktober 2, 2016
Hei alle dere gode. Nå er det endelig helg, som sikkert flere av dere har fått med dere (heh). Men ja, hva er vel bedre med helg enn å slenge seg ned på sofaen og.. jobbe? Ja, for er visst det jeg sitter å gjør akkurat nå. Eller burde gjøre nå hvert fall, så fort jeg bare er over dette blogginnlegget! Men helt ærlig gjør det meg ikke så mye, tror jeg får et slags merkelig adrenalin kick av å ha mye å gjøre. Så jeg sitter dermed å gjør klar til alle de spennende tingene som skal skje fremover! Å herregud som jeg gleder meg til å fortelle dere alt sammen! Allerede til uken smeller det ut på Facebook hva som er greia, så ikke glem å følge med der!
I tillegg til alle disse spennende tingene på min egen musikkprivateting, så studerer jeg jo musikk ved siden av. Så akkurat nå sitter jeg med årets første innlevering i Bransjekunnskap, samtidig som jeg akkurat kom på at jeg jo har årets første prøve om to uker.. Damn. Men ja, det løser seg nok sikkert!
Men vet dere, det er faktisk ikke noe stress med livet i dag! Kjenner jeg har en skikkelig deilig ”lykke” følelse inni meg, samtidig som jeg endelig har funnet en Spotify-spilleliste med litt alternativer til låtene NRJ spiller 24 timer i døgnet om dagen. Snart er det jo kveld også, og den vet jeg blir chill og bra, så ja. Livet er egentlig ganske perfekt akkurat i dag!
Ha en fin kveld a dere!
Michelle ♡
Oktober 1, 2016
Hvorfor postene fremover blir skrevet på norsk?
Hittil har jeg alltid skrevet på engelsk til dere, her inne på bloggdelen av hjemmesiden. Ved
siden av har jeg hatt bloggen min michelleaavitsland.blogg.no, hvor jeg har uttrykt meg om
alt annet jeg skulle ha på hjertet. Men etter å ha holdt på slik ett års tid, velger jeg nå heller å kun bruke hjemmesiden fremover til begge deler. Ja, hjemmesiden min skal være en profesjonell side ved meg, der man finner alt av info for booking av jobber, musikalsk CV, pressebilder osv. Men viktigst for meg, er også at dere faktisk føler en viss nærhet til meg, selv om jeg ikke kjenner deg. Jeg ønsker at du skal få ett forhold til låtene mine, helst så personlig så mulig, og at du skal føle at du kan si hei til meg, om du faktisk skulle gå på meg på gaten.
Selv om jeg faktisk aldri har møtt deg før.
Derfor blir nå denne delen av hjemmesiden, en slags bloggdel der jeg kommer til å dele tanker og følelser, i tillegg til alt som har med musikken å gjøre. Fordi jeg ønsker å gj øre det personlig for dere, velger jeg derfor å skrive på norsk fremover. Ja, jeg kan engelsk så klart, men helt ærlig blir det en helt annen form for skriving når jeg kan uttrykke meg på morsmålet mitt. Jeg vet også at jeg har utrolig mange unge lyttere, som kanskje finner det lettere å lese bloggpostene fremover nå. Så jeg håper dere vil følge med litt fremover, lese postene, og få noe positivt ut av det hele dere også!
Jeg gleder meg hvertfall fryktelig mye til å skrive til dere! Og nå skjer det utrolig mye gøy fremover også, så det burde virkelig ikke mangle på skrivestoff! Heller på tid, hehe! #studentogartistpåengang
Michelle ♡
June 6, 2016
The ”Young Talent Stipend” from TONO!
I am so grateful now, because this week I got an email from the Norwegian Music Organisation, TONO, which told me that I had won one of their ”Young Talent Stipend”! It is such an honor and I've been in heaven since! THANK YOU ♡
Today, I've just spent time in studio and practicing for tomorrows concert. I'm gonna play in the Norwegian little town Son at a mini-summerfestival they are having. It is pretty cool, cause I'm gonna play right before the big Norwegian band Trang Fødsel, so I have to say that I'm a little bit more exited than usually. The tickets are out now, and I'm gonna be on from eight o´clock in the evening. It is really beautiful out there, so just check out my event, and see if its something for you! Hope to see you all there!! Get your tickets here!
Check out the event here! (Norwegian text only)
I hope you all will have a nice Friday! Tonight Im on my boat with my family, trying to stay away from all the candy we got here.. Anyone else who is struggling through the ”summer-diet”…? HELP ME ♡ I hate it..
Lots of Love from me ♡
May 7, 2016
The story of “Believe in Love”!
It's been one and a half month since I released my newest single,” Believe in Love”, and I think it´s about time to tell you a little bit about the lyrics.
This song is the first 100% self written song I´ve released, and therefore it´s pretty cool to tell you about my thoughts and memories behind this super mainstream popsong. Cause that is what it is, isn´t it? A pop single with the dance vibes and catchy chorus. But I can tell you something. What I wanted to prove with this song, was that you can make a pretty cool summer song, and still have a story to tell. I love to perform. I love to tell you my story and give you something when I sing. I love to see the looks on your faces when you forget to be cool in front of the dark stage, and just get all into the song and music you´re listening to.
Well, I can´t give you the same magic experience with this song, but I can give you this music which is about the most beautiful love. And what do you do when you fall in love? You become crazy happy all day long. And I don´t think anyone can be sad when they are listening to my “Believe in Love”.
But what is really the story behind this single… Well, at that time (and now, I have to say) I was stupid in love with this boy. He became my boyfriend after some time, and we had the best time together. After I while, we began to say “I love you”. It was so natural, and I´ve always meant it when I´ve said it, and I still do. But I got this thought, that wtf, this is not the first time I´ve said that to a boy… I have had a serious relationship before, but what was the difference? How can you tell “I love you” to two people, and still mean it so deeply?
Well, this song became my conclusion. Yes, maybe I was in love before. Maybe I told him that everyday. But you know what? My experience was that when I met this new boy, that I´m so lucky to be in a relationship with now, I felt something so new and different that the whole world went in black. All I saw was him and us, and I just knew that I loved him. That is the fun with youth, I guess. We get all these experiences, that I probably would be embarrassed of sharing after a couple of years on the internet. But screw that.
“Believe in Love” is a song that tells the story about a girl who is stupid in love with a boy, till the point where she gets the feeling that she never EVER will say “I love you” again to anyone else. I guess that is a nice end to my years as a teenager … ;) That the song tells a story, was the idea behind the creative lyric video. It´s a girl who writes down her love story, like a diary, cause that was exactly how I felt when I wrote the song one year ago. I just wrote down all my thoughts and happiness on paper, and the song was actually done after only one day.
So that´s my most lovey-dovey love song! Hope you will love it... ;) I think this sentence tells a lot of the essence in the song. No matter how many exes you´ve got, where some of you screwed it up, you just understand that this time, it will never end!
April 28, 2016
Some concert updates!
Hi peeps! I have a little update for you when it comes to this Springs concerts! I don ́t have all the dates set yet, but I am so exited to tell you about where I ́m gonna be performing this spring, so I ́m gonna tell you anyway...
Jakob Culture Church – 12th April
Well, this post was supposed to be published before the concert, but the time passed. So now I can tell you how it went! Two weeks ago I had a concert in Oslo at a place called Jakob Culture Church. Here I played with another girl named Johanne Flakne and my amazing band.
The event was a part of this supercool festival named "LIVE ACT", and we played a mini-concert with four songs. We made some pretty cool covers of Drake ́s "Hotline Bling", Magic ́s "Rude", Highasakite ́s brand new single "Someone who ́ll get it" and Emeli Sandé's "Suitcase". The church was just amazing! All the bands played wonderful music, and with all the colors and lights we got in this mysterious and cool mood. The church was filled with more than 200 people, so there was not an empty seat in sight! Thank you so much for your support!
Oscarsborg, Drøbak – 7th May – 21th May -28th May – 25th June
If you take the ferry 10 minutes from Drøbak, you will get to a lovely little island named Oscarsborg. It ́s an old fortress on the island, and many of the Norwegian soldiers fought there during the World War II. Now it ́s a famous tourist attraction, with this lovely café by the sea. Here I will play lots of concerts this spring and during summer. The first concert is 7th May and then I will play three more times before July, 21th May, 28th May and 25th June. In August I will be back and play some more concerts, but those dates are not official yet.
I will only bring myself and my guitar, so this will be concerts were you can hear me play my own songs, pop covers and also a little bit of Swedish songs, from Evert Taube and Cornelis Vresvjik.. Here ́s a funfact; I grew up with those Swedish songs, so in the summer, I still play some of them. I can ́t wait!
Son – 4th June
Saturday 4th June I will be in Son at this supercool event called "Sommerspretten". Here you will find a market and lots of activities for the kids, and of course lots of concerts! Also some stand up comedians, I think! One of the other bands is the well known Norwegian band Trang Fødsel, so I ́m super exited to be on the same stage as them! I will sing some of my upcoming singles and also some covers, so I think that can be pretty cool!
So, six concerts are already official, and I ́m so exited to finally show you some of my upcoming music at these events! It would be supercool if you showed up, and maybe I'll get to meet you when you ́re there? ;)
Just send me a message!
April 11, 2016
Hi sweethearts!
Just checking in to tell you that the first radio interview about my new single “Believe in Love” is out on podcast now! So if you wanna hear me talk about the song and my plans for the rest of the year, you´re welcome to check it out.
Sadly, for my English followers, I spoke Norwegian in the interview… So this is to my Norwegian followers only.
Listen to the interview here!
Today I´m gonna work on a new song which hopefully will be one of my next singles. So I´m gonna dig myself down in my room, and stay here with my guitar the whole evening. Pretty social day, or what hehe!
That´s why I added this supercool picture of me and my guitar, hehe. Isn´t she pretty..? But omg, I´m just SO happy these days! It seems like you´re enjoying my new single, and that´s just so cool!
I´ve forgotten to tell you that it´s on YouTube to now, so if you don´t have a streaming subscribe, you can check it out here!
Have an amazing Monday everyone!
Love from me ♥ Remember to add "BELIEVE IN LOVE" to your playlists! You'll find all the links in my previous post!
April 4, 2016
I wanted to make a new and different video for ”BELIEVE IN LOVE”, so here it is!
An original lyric video! Hope you guys will like it, and will check it out! I can say that I´ve used all the paper in the house, seriously much editing and now my hand really hurts…
But it was so much fun to make it, that it´s all worth it!
BELIEVE IN LOVE (Lyrics Video)
For a few days now, I´ve been writing on a new song, so I´m gonna use the rest of the evening to finish it. I have to say that it is one of the songs that I´m most satisfied with...
It´s so me, and I cant wait to show it to you!
Have a great evening everyone!
March 31, 2016
Friday 18th march you can find my brand new single “Believe in Love” everywhere you listen to music. Now two weeks have passed, and it has already been listed on different official Spotify playlists and radiostations. Next week I will be interviewed for a popular music magazine and yesterday I had an interview with the Norwegian Radio “Radio Riks”. So it has been two heavy weeks, but it is SO COOL to see that you like the song!
And thanks a lot for all your snaps the last weeks! Many of you have sent me pictures of your playlists, videos from parties or from your room where you guys are listening to my new song and other happy messages, and it is nothing that makes me as happy as that! BELIEVE IN LOVE is a true good feel song, and I hope you will take it with you on the beach now when the summer is getting closer!
But enough written about the single, ´cause I think the most important thing for you is to get the music, right?
So here is some links were you can stream it!
And for my Norwegian followers: I made a little video to “Norwegian on Spotify” were I talk a little bit about “Believe in Love”, so you can watch it here if you want!
Now I have to go to my band practice, but I see you on Spotify!
Love me ♥
March 12, 2016
What are you doing next Friday…? Listening to my new single “Believe in Love” of course!
Friday the 18th of march I will finally release a new single, and I can´t wait to show you what we´ve been working on the last weeks. From now on, all my songs will be selfwritten, and “Believe in Love” is not an exception! It is pretty cool to show you what kind of melodies and texts that are floating around in my mind, and I think this song REALLY will surprise you!
Definitely a song to add to your summer list, and I hope the song can give you the vibes to have the best time ever in the sun. Yes, I´m from the cold country Norway in the north, but I know how to give you a good time in the warmth! Or, so i hope…! But like all of my other songs, this one also has a story. I have always found love a little weird. The most of the people I know have had at least two boyfriends through life. So when I broke up with mine, I wondered how I ever could say “I love you” to another person. But after a little time, I found out that when you have found the right one, the one you want to share your whole life with, then you´ll now it. So this song is about that moment when you realize you have said “I love you” to the last boyfriend in your life. The one you want to share your whole life with. Oh, it´s so amazing to be young, you got all these stupid ideas and questions! I´ll probably laugh when I read this post after some years!
Be ready for Friday 18th march! If you like good-vibes songs, then I think you're going to LOVE this one! Remember to check out Spotify and add it to your list, sweets! Remember to follow me on Spotify to get notifications on my new release!! Also, follow me on Facebook for behind the scene pictures and videos! Follow me on Spotify here!
February 8, 2016
The best weekend!
Saturday became an amazing night for me! I had two concerts at the Norwegian pub, The Ferryman which is located at lovely Aker Brygge in Oslo and the vibe was just so cool! We were in the best mood, and I just loved it from the second I walked in. The best with this night, was that I for the first time played many of my upcoming singles. It was just me and my guitar, so it was pretty cool to show them my acoustics versions.
They had never had so many people there on a Saturday, so I have to say that I´m really happy with that.. The next weeks are reserved for practicing, since I´ve got a really big live job in March! Can´t wait to tell you what it´s all about, but you can keep it up on my social medias, were I give updates more often. So now I´m ready for some weeks with a lot of fun with the band!
At the end of this post, I have to add that I´m so glad to read that “Broken Diamond” has climbed even more since the last post… Last time, I wrote that the music video had reached 30 000 views, and this weekend has it reached... 100 000 views!! This feeling is just indescribable! I´m so happy for all of you, and I just love that you like my music! Keep it up, more music is coming really soon!
Love from me to you ♥
January 12, 2016
Happy new year to all of you from me!
Hey my beauties! The last two months has truly been an amazing journey for me, with responses and experiences I didn´t expect at all! The 4th November 2015, two weeks after the release of my single “Broken Diamond”, I shared the official music video with you. It seems like you enjoyed it, after only 1,5 month the video has reached almost 30 000 views! That is pretty amazing! The song have also reached 20 000 streams on Spotify, I am speechless! I really didn´t see that coming! The only thing I have to say to that, is that YOU ARE AMAZING! I love you, all my dear listeners!
Since the video now is out there, I can finally tell you about how cool it was to make it! It is my first official video and we recorded it a cold autumn day on a location nearby Oslo. It was seriously freaking cold, since it was 4 degrees outside and I had to wear a thin dress all day… But it was totally worth it! With me, there was this amazing team and we had so much fun all day. You can see the result here if you haven't seen it yet!
It´s now only a few weeks into the new year. In 2016 I will share so much new music with you and I hope you are as exited as I am! I´m ready for some days in the studio from January, and meanwhile I continue to write new songs I hopefully can share with you. I wish you all a happy new year and hope you all are ready for 2016! ´Cause I really am!!
October 27, 2015
Broken Diamond is out!
Wow… I don´t have any other ways to explain it! After years with working, singing, practicing and writing, I´ve finally released my first single. I´ve been trough some big up- and downturns, but now I´m here. I´ve found my sound and my style, and it feels amazing! Cause finally, after all these years, I can now show you who i really am. So guys, I can proudly tell you this: Broken Diamond is finally OUT!
If you want to listen to “Broken Diamond”, you can check it out on iTunes, Spotify, Wimp and all the other normal musicshops. And I can tell you that I´ve made a musicvideo which is due to be released about a week after the release!
So don´t forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel if you want to listen. So please peeps, if you like the song: Please share, share, and what should I say… SHARE! That would mean the world to me!
You´re guys are the best, and all this wouldn't be possible without you!
♥ me
October 14, 2015
My new single Broken Diamond!
It's finally official! My new single Broken Diamond will be released 26th October 2015. I'm so exited about this, and I really can't wait to share this song with you!
Broken Diamond is extremely personal to me, and therefore I would like to share the story behind it with you. You know the one love you ones had? That love that was the most important to you for a long time, but one day it just didn't work anymore? It's that kind of love that I'm talking about.'Cause ones his love was my shining diamond, but then one day it broke. But you know what? Diamonds can't break. So even if I don't love him anymore, it still means that he will always have a place in my heart.
Because memories can't be forgotten and diamonds can't break.
"I'll keep this memory
Forever and ever
And until my heart
Illuminates the sky
I ́ll always remember
Still I ́ll never look back
On the moments of a dream that we had
We were shining so bright
Now I ́m dying inside
You ́re my broken diamond"

August 24, 2015
Miniconsert at Fjellstranddagen!
This will be a unique opportunity for hearing some of my self-written songs, and I will inter alia play my own song "Never Change" known from YouTube, live for the first time! The event starts at 11am, and I'll sing sometime between the opening and 1pm. The event has free entrance, so that´s nice for you guys! If you want more information, you're welcome to check out my Facebook event here!
So, I see ya at:
Adress: Nyborgjordet, Fjellstrand // Date: 5. September 2015 // Time: 11am-1pm
Love, me

June 13, 2015
Support for Erik & Kriss at Fagerstranddagene
Im so thrilled to be the support band for ERIK & KRISS! Doors open from 18.00-19.00, and im on around 20.00! Hope to see you all there!

June 6, 2015
Consert at Oscarsborg Festning
My first "all alone" consert yesterday and it could not have been more amazing and successfull! The restaurant was packed with happy people!!